CEU Courses for: FL (1 CEU Human Trafficking)

FL Renewal Requirements

30 CEU required by February 28, 2026 for renewal.

Each licensee or certificate holder shall complete a board-approved, 1 hour continuing education course on human trafficking. The course may be included in the total general hours required and must be completed by January 1, 2021. Required in accordance with Section 456.0341, Florida Statutes.*Note: The 1 hour of Human Trafficking is included in the required general hours.

Completed Course Credits are automatically reported to CE Broker. Please be sure to indicate you would like CEUs reported by selecting "YES" in the course evaluation after taking the quiz.

The above CEU information is current as of April, 2024. Prior to purchasing a course or renewing your license, please check the FL board for the most current requirement.

CEU Courses for: FL (1 CEU Human Trafficking)

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Human Trafficking: A Hidden Crime