Comments About our Seminars and Speakers
I love Dr. Tan, he is a real genius! - B.G.
Dr. Tan's class was amazing - now I understand why my friends & colleagues rave about him and The Tan Balance System. I had seen his technique in action with one of his students, M.B., who can't say enough about him, and at my school clinic, but to meet him and see for myself, wow, he is a genius! Can’t wait for the next seminar. -C.R.
I can recognize a valuable teacher and someone who is the real deal when I see them. Again, thank you folks for sharing people like Jimmy with the rest of us. And I really appreciate you encouraging me to disseminate what I learned for the sake of the profession. That is most gracious, and it touches my heart. You are the real deal too. -J.G.
The Oakland seminars were absolutely mind-blowing. Frankly, I think Jimmy is not only the best herbalist I have ever seen or heard of, he may be the best ever. He is certainly someone who can stand with Zhang Zhong-Jing, Li Dong-Yuan and the rest of the best. It is a privilege to be alive at the same time. It strikes me that these brilliant gentlemen have been resurrecting wonders from the Nei Jing which have been neglected too long. I think putting all this together, along with the other kinds of things your seminars present already, would pretty much be as complete a picture of clinical mastery as may ever be possible to amass. -Anonymous
Dr. John Chen's class was so informative. He presented the information in a simple clear concise format with a great sense of humor. This class gave me the confidence that the Collection Formulas reach beyond others and are easier for a practitioner to prescribe with the Clinical Manual & pocketbook, along with the confidence of being formulated under the highest standards of purity and safety. -M.B.