Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Blog

Fungal/Yeast infection: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment by Jimmy Chang

What a wonderful webinar with Dr. Chang!

First of all, there is no pulse that will specifically tell you there is a yeast infection. I was actually hoping there would be one!! If only it was that easy!!

Dr. Chang shared that there are 5 different types of conditions that may indicate a yeast infection:

1. Solid Kidney Fire
2. Damp-heat
3. Qi and Blood Deficiency
4. Yin Deficiency
5. Dead Blood

For each one, he describes what the pulse should feel like and what herbs would be great to help!

To watch the 1 hour class, click here to catch it on the TCM Wisdom Tube!

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!

Extremities & Arthritis: Intro to Clinical Orthopedic Strategies by David Wells

A great 1 hour preview to Dr. Wells' weekend class!

Dr. Wells started off with a few case studies and then went into a disucssion of homologues - like treats like. So for example, if you want to treat the piriformis muscle, you can needle the infraspinatus muscle. Pretty interesting and familiar (Bob Doane, Brad Whisnant, and Richard Tan all talk about this!!). After giving a quick intro to what he will be talking about in his Extremities class, Dr. Wells gave a little preview to the Arthritis topic and showed some great photos too!!

To watch the 1 hour preview, click here to watch it on the TCM Wisdom Tube!


~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!

Introduction to Muscle Testing for Acupuncturists by Ronald Hubbs

Muscle testing is a fairly new topic for me. I've heard of Applied Kinesology while in school but never really understood it. Luckily, Ronald Hubbs gave a wonderful introduction to muscle testing - what it is and what it is not.

In the 1 hour class, Ronald goes over the theory and science behind muscle testing and the principles of accurate testing!

To watch the full hour class, click here to watch it on the TCM Wisdom Tube for this course!

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!

Chinese Medicine for Tumor and Cancer/Testimonials from Dr. Peng I Chun’s Patients by I Chun Peng

I love hearing stories about people who were really sick and did everything they possibly could to get better and nothing worked...except Chinese Medicine. =)

These are the inspirational stories that make me realize how grateful I am to be part of a medicine that changes people's lives. It's really one of the best feelings in the world!

And when I watched this webinar with Dr. Peng, it sparked that inspiration inside me to be a better practitioner (and I hope for you too!!).

In the video, Dr. Peng shares the dangers of taking medications for high blood pressure, diabetes, & high cholesterol, the real reason for kidney failures, heart failures, and strokes, why people get colds (and it's not due to viruses!), why fever is important, and many other little gems. Also, throughout the video, his patients put together their experience with Dr. Peng on how he has helped them or their family members. It was very inspirational and I am very interested in hearing more about how Dr. Peng treats these patients. Our medicine really does go deep, we just don't even know how powerful it truly is!! LOVE IT!!!

To watch the full hour class, click here to watch it on the TCM Wisdom Tube for this course!

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!

Astigmatism, TMJ, Frontal HA, & More: Auricular Visual Diagnosis by Li-Chun Huang

Another great class with Dr. Li-Chun Huang sharing her clinical pearls with us!

This webinar focused on auricular signs for the following conditions:

  • Shoulder & upper back fibromyostitits
  • Astigmatism
  • Cholecystitis
  • Periarthritis of shoulder
  • Piece-like protrusion
  • Periodontitis
  • TMJ
  • Ovarian cyst
  • Constipation
  • Appendicitis
  • Frontal HA
  • Dream area

It was pretty interesting to see how conditions of the body can actually reflect in the ear. Pretty interesting right?! I think the best part about auricular diagnosis is when you can look at someone's ear and randomly tell them all the conditions that they have. They always freak out! And that moment is the perfect opportunity to gain a new patient!! =)

To watch the full hour class, click here to watch it on the TCM Wisdom Tube for this course!

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!

Ear Infection & Allergies in Kids: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment by Jimmy Chang

Dr. Chang always says that treating children is generally no different than treating adults. I guess you can say, children are just little people so you would just lower the dosage, of course. =D

In this class, Dr. Chang started off with a case study: a boy from Hong Kong had an allergic reaction from eating something which resulted in what looked like someone punching this poor child in the eye and a swollen lip. Dr. Chang recommended Bee Propolis, Huang Lian Shang Qing Wan, and lemon juice. The next morning, the boy was 100% better and smiling.

Bee propolis, by the way, is Dr. Chang's favorite recommendation right now. He recommends it for everything from inflammation to high blood pressure! It's great!

The course continued with a discussion on ear infection and skin allergies but I'm not going to give all the goodies away. Click here to watch the TCM Wisdom Tube for this course!

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!

Pain Management: Herbal Alternatives to Drugs by John Chen

Everyone has experienced physical pain sometime in their lives and unfortunately for some, it results in taking Western medication whether it be prescribed drugs or over-the-counter. 

In this great 1 hour preview to Internal Medicine: Herbal Alternatives to Drugs, Part II, Dr. Chen discusses the variety of Western drugs for pain management and how it works in your body, as well as some great tidbits on herbal alternatives. It was an awesome sneak peek on what to expect for this Sunday's (6/9/13) webinar!

To watch the 1 hour preview, click here to watch it on the TCM Wisdom Tube!

 To watch the full course (8 CEUs), click here!

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!

Intro to Making Acupuncture Pay by Matthew Bauer

In the 1 hour preview to Matt Bauer's full day practice management class, he introduced to us the "Middle Way Model". Matt developed this model after finding the right balance between under-doing and overdoing many aspects of one's practice that is vital to practice success. These aspects include fees, spacing treatments, patient load, and the time spent with patients.

Matt also gave some great advice on starting your own practice versus renting a room. On the full day class, Matt will go more in detail about spacing treatments, how to avoid backsliding, instructing patients how to self-care, how to monitor progress, insurance, marketing, and more!!

To watch the 1 hour preview, click here to watch it on the TCM Wisdom Tube!

To watch the full course, Click here to purchase. (8 CEUs)

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!

Treating Infertility in Advance Aged Women Using the 8 Extra Meridians by Brandon Horn

This was a great class to learn how to implement the 8 Extra Meridians into the treatment of infertility for woman who are experiencing difficulty bearing children! I learned a few tidbits myself that I probably already knew but this class helped me to remember.

As we all know, aging can be defined as yang consuming yin but did you know that the wei channels govern the aging process? And what's great about acupuncture is that it can actually interfere with the likelihood of a child inheriting a developmental disorder due to the mother's age (think over 35 years old). Interesting isn't it? =D

As a quick preview to the class, Dr. Brandon Horn says that the 8 Extra Meridians are vessels of Jing and you can strengthen Jing with Yinwei Mai - it governs the susceptibility to aging!

It was a pretty informational and interesting class, so if you missed it or just want to watch it again, you can do so on the TCM Wisdom Tube. Just click here for the recording!

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!

Making It All Go Away - Upper Body Pain by Bob Doane

Bob Doane is known for sharing his practice management pearls but what is a great practice without a great practitioner?

In this short webinar, Bob emphasizes how important it is to ... basically.. know what you're doing in the treatment room. And since most people turn to acupuncture when they have pain, it is probably a good idea to be an Acupuncturist who can treat pain with immediate results! And if you don't know how to do that yet, Bob can help you! (He helped me!! So he can help you too!!)

Catch this very interesting webinar on what you think you know, is not what you really know… confused you didn't I? Here's a little preview: There are no meridians and there are no channels.. YES, I just went there! Don't worry, you will totally get most of it after watching the 1 hour recording and then 100% understand it at this Saturday, May 18, 2013 webinar.

Haven't sign up yet? Well, we don't want to miss seeing you there so sign up by clicking here.

To watch the full recording of the 1 hour webinar, click here!

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!

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