Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Blog


eLotus is recognized as the number one ONLINE acupuncture CEU platform. It's the place Acupuncturists turn to when they want to learn the TCM stuff that actually work in clinic. We've learned the theory in school, now it's time to learn what will really help patients. In other words, eLotus speakers are known for sharing clinically relevant information.

We LOVE our customers...there's no doubt about it! And we listen to you! Which is why we are now offering Chiropractic CEUs!

We are starting with a few courses to see how it goes. Let us know what you think!

Live CEU Webinars (Considered LIVE for CA Chiro Board)

1. Orthopedic Testing & Acupuncture Strategies: TMJ & Neck Pain (David Wells, DC, LAc)
CA-A-15-01-10051 (8 hours Category A: History Taking and Physical Examination Procedures Category)
Date & Time: Sat, July 25, 2015 from 9:00AM-6:00PM, PT

2. Orthopedic Testing & Acupuncture Strategies: Elbow & Knee Pain (David Wells, DC, LAc)
CA-A-15-06-10736 (8 hours Category A: History Taking and Physical Examination Procedures Category)
Date & Time: Sun, July 26, 2015 from 9:00AM-6:00PM, PT

Distance Learning Courses

1. Clinical Orthopedic Strategies: Arthritis and Bi Syndrome (David Wells, DC, LAc)
CA-A-15-01-10050 (8 hours Category A: History Taking and Physical Examination Procedures Category)

2. Top 50 Drugs and Their Herbal Alternatives (2013) (John Chen, Pharm.D., Ph.D., O.M.D., L.Ac.)

Master Tung's Points for Headaches by Dr. Henry McCann

Master Tung's Acupuncture is a very powerful system and is typically preferred when practitioners want clinical results. This is why Tung Acupuncture is so popular!! (it really works!!)

Henry McCann, DAOM, LAc is the co-author with Dr. Hans-Georg Ross of Practical Atlas of Tung’s Acupuncture, the popular Master Tung book for those just starting to learn Master Tung's acupuncture. In this 1-hour class, Dr. McCann shares the best Master Tung's acupuncture points for headaches.

Click here to catch it on the TCM Wisdom Tube and watch it for FREE!

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!

Herb-Drug Interactions for the Collection Formulas, Part II with Dr. John Chen

Herb-Drug Interactions for the Collection Formulas, Part II with Dr. John Chen

Increasingly, patients seeking acupuncture and herbal care may already be on a variety of western pharmaceuticals. It is essential that acupuncturists understand the fundamentals of possible herb-drug interactions prior to prescribing any herbal formulas for patients who are already taking western medications. Unexpected side effects from herb-drug interactions are a real and often devastating possibility. Ensure the safety of your patients and your practice with an understanding of possible herb-drug interactions.

In Part II of a two-part series, Dr. John Chen, a recognized authority in western pharmacology and Chinese herbal medicine, extensively goes over cardiovascular/metabolic disorders, women/men health, endocrine disorders, respiratory disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, stone disorders, and cancer support.

To start watch the full course, click here to get started.

Annual Gold Pass Member? Find the videos in your "My Active Courses" to begin your complimentary viewing.

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

Herb-Drug Interactions for the Collection Formulas, Part I with Dr. John Chen

Herb-Drug Interactions for the Collection Formulas, Part I with Dr. John Chen

Increasingly, patients seeking acupuncture and herbal care may already be on a variety of western pharmaceuticals. It is essential that acupuncturists understand the fundamentals of possible herb-drug interactions prior to prescribing any herbal formulas for patients who are already taking western medications. Unexpected side effects from herb-drug interactions are a real and often devastating possibility. Ensure the safety of your patients and your practice with an understanding of possible herb-drug interactions.

In Part I of a two-part series, Dr. John Chen, a recognized authority in western pharmacology and Chinese herbal medicine, extensively goes over pain, infection, and emotional disorders.

To start watch the full course, click here to get started.

Annual Gold Pass Member? Find the videos in your "My Active Courses" to begin your complimentary viewing.

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

Pain Management Strategies Using Acupuncture with Dr. Yue Patrick Mok

Pain Management Strategies Using Acupuncture with Dr. Yue Patrick Mok

How does Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) work for pain? How do you explain it to your patient when they ask?

Dr. Yue Patrick Mok is a distinguished Medical Doctor and Diplomate of Medical Acupuncture with 40 years of experience specializing in anesthesiology. He explains how our body interprets pain and the most effective treatment protocol that he has found useful in his practice - Korean Hand Thearapy (KHT).

Dr. Mok says the best treatment for pain is a distal approach. And, needle-phobe patients love him because he rarely uses needles. In fact, he uses pellets that he sticks on the patient's fingers and instantly, the pain goes away!

To learn more about KHT from Dr. Mok, click here to get started.

We also have courses on KHT taught by Dr. Dan Lobash, an instructor highly recommended by eLotus and Dr. Mok. click here to see a list of courses taught by Dr. Lobash.

Annual Gold Pass Member? Find the videos in your "My Active Courses" to begin your complimentary viewing.

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

Molecular Pathways and TCM Pharmacology of Breast Cancer by M.M. Van Benschoten, OMD

Molecular Pathways and TCM Pharmacology of Breast Cancer by M.M. Van Benschoten, OMS

 Ms. A is a 65 yr old female tumor right breast, previous immunotherapy of unknown ingredients by unlicensed practitioner with progression of disease. Biopsy 2/14 ER+, inoperable due to large size. Femara from 3/14 through 7/14 was ineffective, on 8/14 Abraxane chemotherapy x 5, increasing tumor markers, PET scan reveals bone and lung metastasis. With onset of liver failure, MD recommends hospice with 1-2 months life expectancy. After a stent was placed in bile duct for metastatic blockage, patient starts a plant based diet, continues herbs with no chemotherapy, and tumor markers are reduced on the next series of lab tests.  On 10/14 a biopsy sample was sent to Foundation One for genetic testing.

Pulsynergy Made Easy, Part I with Dr. Jimmy Chang

Pulsynergy Made Easy, Part I with Dr. Jimmy Chang

My favorite part of pulse taking is the look on the patient's face when I can tell them things about themselves that no one knows.

"How did you know that I have xyz… no one knows!"

"It's all in your pulse!" was my response.

I never knew pulse diagnosis could be so much fun and how much it could tell you about a person's health. Dr. Jimmy Wei-Yen Chang's pulse system enables you to diagnose TCM syndromes and western biomedical conditions solely by pulse within seconds. It is unique and unlike the traditional pulse diagnosistic system taught in TCM schools.

So where do you start?

With the basics, of course! Learn the right finger positions, what organ each pulse position represents, the importance of blood pressure and heart rate, the importance of other body signs such as the color of the forearms and auricular signs, and the most common pulses found in each position.

To start building and perfecting your pulse skills, click here to get started.

Annual Gold Pass Member? Find the videos in your "My Active Courses" to begin your complimentary viewing.

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

The Ultimate Jumpstart: Building A Bigger Practice NOW! with Zubin Dah

The Ultimate Jumpstart: Building A Bigger Practice NOW! with Zubin Dah

Let's face it... TCM school helped us learning the foundation and basics of TCM. That's great but what about the business aspect of running an acupuncture practice?

What's the best, easiest, quickest way to learn all the business secrets from top business men and women in the industry? Well, have Zubin Dah do all the researching and work for you of course, and then teach a 1 day class on every secret he knows!

And that's EXACTLY what happened!

To build up your practice so that you can help more patients and see a steady (and bigger) income, click here to get started.

Topics covered include financial strategies, insurance concerns, negotiating leases, advertising campaigns, equipment concerns, tax preparation procedures, patient management procedures, paperwork concerns, and borrowing money.

Annual Gold Pass Member? Find the videos in your "My Active Courses" to begin your complimentary viewing.

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

Holographic Representations: Imaging Made Easy with Brad Whisnant

Holographic Representations: Imaging Made Easy with Brad Whisnant

What is mirroring? What is imaging? What is homologous structure? And how can it help make YOU a better Acupuncturist?

For anyone that uses the Balance Method, Master Tung's acupuncture, or any type of distal needling, you know how powerful and effective mirroring, imaging, and holographic representations can be in the treatment of your patient.

But picking the right body part can sometimes be difficult. Sure, the fingers would be best to treat the toes (that's easy!) but what's the best area or point to treat hip pain?

Dr. Brad Whisnant, one of the best Master Tung instructor, breaks it all down very nicely in this easy-to-understand course on what body part mirrors/images what. This one course will change the way you practice, as treating patients will be easier than you've ever imagined!

To start learning about mirroring and images, click here to get started!

Annual Gold Pass Member? Find the videos in your "My Active Courses" to begin your complimentary viewing.

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

Drug Herb Interactions: Tamoxifen by M.M. Van Benschoten, OMD

Drug Herb Interactions: Tamoxifen by M.M. Van Benschoten, OMD

The primary clinical use of Tamoxifen is for prevention and treatment of estrogen receptor positive breast cancer. Tamoxifen acts as an antagonist, blocking the binding of estrogen to the receptor site, reducing DNA synthesis and cancer growth. The research literature contains many references to herbal medicines that interact with Tamoxifen by enhancement or inhibition of antitumor effects. Tamoxifen is metabolized by the liver into the active metabolite, 4-hydroxytamoxifen. This transformation is induced by cytochrome P450 CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 enzymes. Herbs interacting with these liver enzymes may reduce clinical effectiveness of the drug.

CYP2D6 inhibit
alpinia officinarum (gao liang jiang), epimedium (yin yang huo), ginkgo leaf (yin xing ye), piper nigrum (hu jiao), punica granatum (shi liu pi), rhodiola (hong jing tian)

CYP3A4 inhibit
andrographis (chuan xin lian), agaricus (ji song rong), bamboo (zhu ru), camellia (lu cha), cimicifuga (sheng ma), curcuma longa (jiang huang), curcuma zedoria (e zhu), epimedium (yin yang huo), evodia (wu chu yu), fennel (xiao hui xiang), ginger (sheng jiang), ginseng (ren shen), grape seed (pu tao zi), licorice (gan cao), rhodiola (hong jing tian), schizandra (wu wei zi), valerian (jie cao)

All the above species are contraindicated in patients taking Tamoxifen, as they can inhibit the transformation of the drug to its bioactive state. Cancer patients often self prescribe curcumin/tumeric and mushroom preparations based on their anticancer effects without considering interactions with prescription medications.

Tamoxifen enhance
camellia (lu cha), cimicifuga (sheng ma), linum (flax seed), morus branch (sang zhi), silybum (shui fei ji)

These species can increase bioavailability of Tamoxifen, and inhibit growth of Tamoxifen resistant cancer cells. Camellia and cimicifuga are CYP3A4 inhibitors, so their use should be avoided.

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