Chinese Medicine for Tumor and Cancer/Testimonials from Dr. Peng I Chun’s Patients by I Chun Peng

I love hearing stories about people who were really sick and did everything they possibly could to get better and nothing worked...except Chinese Medicine. =)

These are the inspirational stories that make me realize how grateful I am to be part of a medicine that changes people's lives. It's really one of the best feelings in the world!

And when I watched this webinar with Dr. Peng, it sparked that inspiration inside me to be a better practitioner (and I hope for you too!!).

In the video, Dr. Peng shares the dangers of taking medications for high blood pressure, diabetes, & high cholesterol, the real reason for kidney failures, heart failures, and strokes, why people get colds (and it's not due to viruses!), why fever is important, and many other little gems. Also, throughout the video, his patients put together their experience with Dr. Peng on how he has helped them or their family members. It was very inspirational and I am very interested in hearing more about how Dr. Peng treats these patients. Our medicine really does go deep, we just don't even know how powerful it truly is!! LOVE IT!!!

To watch the full hour class, click here to watch it on the TCM Wisdom Tube for this course!

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!