Where is my quiz for CEUs?

Quizzes for live webinars are available starting the day after the webinar and open for 4 weeks after the webinar. During the 4-week period, you have unlimited attempts to pass the quiz.


1. Log into elotus.org account.
2. Click My Account --> My Active Courses, then click on the webinar title.
(GP Members: Click My Account --> My Gold Pass Menu --> Review Recent CEU Webinars --> webinar title)
3. Click the yellow Take Quiz button.
4. Complete Course Worksheet, then click the Submit button.
5. Complete the Quiz. There is no time limit and you may retake the multiple-choice exam as many times as necessary to pass with a score of at least 70%.
6. Go to MY CEUs and click on Awaiting Course Evaluation to fill out the questionnaire. (IMPORTANT: Be sure that your name, licensing board, and license number are correct! Any changes will incur a $25 fee)
7. Return to MY CEUs page and click View/Print Certificate. Select your licensing board to download and print your certificate.

*Reminder: Live CEU quizzes are distributed to attendees with full attendance. No Exceptions. In other words, logging in late or leaving early, then watching the video replay to make up for lost time does not qualify for CEU credit. And in these cases, exchanges, credits, or refunds will not be honored.