| Shang Han Lun: Modern Applications, Part III | $75 |
| Shang Han Lun: Psychosocial Applications of Classical Formulas | $17 |
| Shingles Treatment with Acupuncture and Herbal Formulas | $75 |
| Simple Vietnamese Acupuncture Points for Alleviating Headaches | $17 |
| Sports Medicine Acupuncture For Neck Pain | $17 |
| Stabilizing Joints through Ligamentous Prolo-Acupuncture | $129 |
| Stages of Female Reproduction: From PMS to Menopause | $129 |
| Steaming the Jade Gate: Vaginal Steaming for Reproductive Wellness | $129 |
| Stem Cell Therapy and Acupuncture | $17 |
| Strong Sexual Performance for Men | $39 |
| Structural Alignment Acupuncture | $17 |
| Structural Alignment Acupuncture for the Collection Formulas, Part I | $99 |