elotus's blog

Master Tung's Acupuncture Galore!

What a week!! The first week of October was dedicated to the late, the great Master Tung!

Thanks to him, he has changed the idea of traditional acupuncture taught in schools. Master Tung's acupuncture is known for its quick and efficient results.

Here's the line up of the great Master Tung's instructors: Esther Su, Chuan-Min Wang, and Richard Tan!

If you missed any of the 1 hour webinars, you can definitely catch it on the TCM Wisdom Tube!

1. Intro to Advanced Tung's Acupuncture: Internal Medicine with Esther Su - student of Miriam Lee

2. Master Tung's Unique Points for Female Conditions with Chuan-Min Wang - direct student of Master Tung himself!

3. Master Tung's Acupuncture - Dr. Tan Style with Richard Tan - the famous Balance Method Master


~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!

September 1 Hour Webinars!

It's a busy month here at eLotus as we're hosting multiple 1 hour webinars a week!! But hey, we LOVE it!

Let me get you up to speed on what's been going on:

Disease During Pregnancy and Menopause with Jonathan Law

Jonathan Law discusses pregnancy- and menopause-related conditions, such as morning sickness, abdominal pain, threatened miscarriage, constipation, under-developed fetus, dizziness, and edema, and their most appropriate herbal medicine prescription.

Clinical Applications of the 4 Phases in Menstrual Disorders
with Giovanni Maciocia

Giovanni Maciocia discusses the origin and nature of Tian Gui, the flow of Yin and Yang in the menstrual cycle, the four phases of the menstrual cycle, the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis, and treatment principles of the four phases.

Intro to Recognition & Prevention of Herb-Drug Interactions (2013)
by John Chen

Dr. John Chen briefly explains that this introductory course is a preview of a new advance herb-drug interaction course Dr. Chen has put together. He also goes over pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic herb-drug interactions.


Candida Diagnosis and Treatment by Eric Bakker

Eric Bakker discusses the signs and symptoms, nutritional recommendations, and treatment methods for candida. Many attendees found this course very informational and we know you will too!


Michael Young, Ilan Migdali, and Effie Chow!

We had 3 webinars in a row this week!

1. PTSD & Emotional Brain Auriculotherapy Treatments with Michael Young

2. Seasonal Balance Method - Acu Points for Autumn with Ilan Migdali

3. Chow Medical Qigong (CMQ) Secrets: Healing Where All Else Have Failed with Effie Chow

All great webinars on different subjects and definitely worth watching!! It's going to be a 3-day weekend so what a perfect time to catch up on these classes. One for each day!

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!

Integrating TCM and Qi Gong into Oncology by Alex Feng

This was a great class with Dr. Alex Feng sharing some qi gong techniques and herbal recommendations when working with oncology.

Did you know that 8 million people die of cancer worldwide ever year?

Dr. Feng started the class of with a general overview of what cancer is and the etiology of it from a Western and TCM perspective. Then, he explains why patients need integrative oncology care and helpful herbal recommendations for post surgical care, post radiation care, and post chemo support. Dr. Feng also goes over commonly used points for treating side effects of chemothearpy and radiation and breathing techniques.

To watch the 1 hour class, click here to catch it on the TCM Wisdom Tube!

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!

Master Tung’s Acupuncture for Male Disorders by Robert Chu

Generally speaking, I feel that everyone pretty much knows the clinical effectiveness of Master Tung's acupuncture. I personally have never heard anyone say that it does not work.

We were so lucky to have Dr. Robert Chu, one of the best Master Tung's instructor, share with us how to treat male disorders such as erectile dysfunction, benign prostatic hypertrophy, and gout. Dr. Chu not only shared Master Tung's points but also some herbal formula recommendations!!

To watch the 1 hour class, click here to catch it on the TCM Wisdom Tube!

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!

Dr. Tan's Balance Method As Simple As 1-2-3! Part II by Richard Tan

1, 2, 3!!

That's the answer to treating all pain conditions Dr. Richard Tan talked about in this webinar.

Specifically, Dr. Tan focused on treating right ankle pain, right knee pain, right shoulder pain, and headache using the Balance Method. The first thing to do is figuring out the diseased vessel, and then using the Balance Method chart to figure out what vessels you can use to treat the problem. It's as simple as 1-2-3!

Finally, Dr. Tan ends his amazing class with his famous 8 Magical Points. But you'll need to watch the recording to see why it's so special! =)

To watch the 1 hour class, click here to catch it on the TCM Wisdom Tube!

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!

Intro to Making Pain Go Away (Lower Body) by Bob Doane

Qi does not translate into energy.

Bob made this point very clear during the webinar and explains a few misconceptions of qi and mai.

In addition, he also goes over why distal needling works better for treating pain - it's fast and dependable. Very interesting if you ask me and something you probably won't learn in school!

To watch the 1 hour class, click here to catch it on the TCM Wisdom Tube!

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!

Conjunctivitis & Stye: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment by Jimmy Chang

What a great class with Dr. Jimmy Chang, as always!

This class covered the eye conditions of conjunctiviits and stye.

Even though you know the symptom and reason for the clinic visit, you still need to take the patient's pulse to see what's the underlying condition of the patient. Depending on the body condition, herbal prescription will differ!

The patient can have real heat, fake heat (viral infection), blood deficiency/stagnation, or have a weak condition. Feel the pulse and you will be able to best treat the patient!

To watch the 1 hour class, click here to catch it on the TCM Wisdom Tube!

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!

Neck Pain Treatment Using Microcurrent Positional Technique (MPT) by Malvin Finkelstein

Malvin Finkelstein’s 35 years of acupuncture practice led him to develop the Microcurrent Positional Technique (MPT) system, a simple and effective method for relieving pain, increasing range of motion, and accelerating healing.

During the webinar, Malvin disccused how treating the branch also treats the root of the condition as well as suggestions to release fascia, muscle, joint, and rib restrictions at key points with the use of specialized locations of acupuncture points and unique tuina stretches.

And of course, posture has a LOT to do with neck pain!! (We all are famliar with that!)

To watch the 1 hour class, click here to catch it on the TCM Wisdom Tube!

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!

Asking the Right Questions by M.M. Van Benschoten, OMD

Asking the Right Questions by M.M. Van Benschoten, OMD

Questioning the patient is an essential part of the four diagnostic methods in TCM. In complex cases, asking the right questions and paying close attention to minor symptoms can help to determine the location of pathogenic factors and direct appropriate treatment. A complete history of previous illnesses, surgeries, and hospitalizations with a review of current symptoms provide the basis for accurate diagnosis. Review of laboratory test results, imaging reports, current pharmaceuticals, and nutritional supplements must be included.

Repeated questioning about history, diet, and environment will reveal information that was forgotten or ignored for years. A good example is an elderly patient with severe multiple food allergies, eczema, hip pain, and weight loss who recalls the flooded basement in her home after 12 office visits and three years of treatment. The new onset of daily headaches suggested indoor mold exposure, although the patient denied any water damage in her home on the initial examination.

Getting to the roots of chronic illness requires constant and persistent questioning to uncover the origins of processes that began many months or years ago. Continued inquiry into the patient’s diet and environmental conditions assists the process of recovery through identification and elimination of interfering factors. When clinical improvement is followed by relapses, the cause often stems from errors in diet or new environmental exposures.

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