
Treating Autoimmune Digestive Disorders with Body-Feedback Acupuncture, Essential Oils, and Herbs

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Originally Aired: 
Sat, 05/16/2020

8 CEU/PDA/CPD accepted by CA #383 (Category 1), NCCAOM (7 AOM-OM/1 PE-CW), FL (General), IL, TX (4 Herbology, 4 General), AHPRA, AFPA, BAcC, CCHPBC, IVAS, NZASA, NZRA

Distance Learning CEU Video (Online)

Autoimmune digestive disorders are conditions that occur when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks part of its own gastrointestinal tract. In this course, Michelle Meramour shares how she has successfully treated autoimmune digestive disorders using an integration of palpation-based acupuncture, Chinese herbs, supplements, and essential oils.

The autoimmune digestive disorders covered in this class include celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and autoimmune hepatitis. Participants will first learn the allopathic and TCM pathogenesis of each autoimmune digestive disorder. Next, Michelle will share Body-Feedback palpation methods for evaluating organ dysfunction and meridian imbalances affecting the immune and digestive systems. And finally, Michelle shares how she successfully treats these conditions using an integration of palpation-based acupuncture, Chinese herbs, supplements, and essential oils. Case studies and understanding fundamental laboratory test values associated with digestive and immune health will also be covered.

Upon completion of this course, practitioners will:

  • Gain a better understanding of autoimmune digestive disorders though TCM differential diagnosis
  • Learn palpation-based techniques to assess and identify organs associated with autoimmune digestive conditions
  • Learn classical five-element point prescriptions to support and improve the immune system
  • Learn palpation techniques to muscle-test Chinese herbal formulas, nutritional supplements, and essential oils to manage immune dysfunction to the meridian system

These online courses are immediately accessible after purchase therefore are non-refundable.

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CA (Category 1), NCCAOM (AOM-OM), NCCAOM (PE-CW), FL (General), IL, TX (General), TX (Herbology), AHPRA, AFPA, BAcC, CCHPBC, IVAS, NZASA, NZRA
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