
The Successful Practice Pharmacy: Jimmy Chang's Latest Herbal Discoveries, Part IV

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Originally Aired: 
Sun, 09/13/2015

Course Type: Audio
Units: 8 CEUs/PDAs
Approved by: AHPRA, CCHPBC, FL (5 general), IL, IVAS, NCCAOM (8 AOM-BIO), NZRA, TX (6 general, 2 herbal); No approval by California Acupuncture Board
Run Time: 8 hrs
Access Time: 4 months of unlimited access, downloadable

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Join Dr. Jimmy Chang, a renowned pulse diagnostician and herbalist with over 35 years of clinical expertise, as he focuses on the principles of fang jia fang and reveals his latest herbal discoveries that have yielded the best clinical results.

In part IV of this course, Dr. Chang discusses the herbs and formulas in the following categories:

  • Tonic herbs
  • Digestive herbs
  • Astringent herbs
  • Harmonizing herbs
  • Treats abscesses/sores herbs
  • Stop bleeding herbs

Attend this course to learn the concept of fang jia fang from the “Master of Herbology,” Dr. Jimmy Chang, as he shares with you the art and science of herbal combinations. You learn a variety of herbs from different categories (listed above), how to feel for pulse signs of specific conditions, and prescribe customized herbal formulas for your patients. This is an opportunity to learn the most commonly-used herbal formulas that yield maximum results in specific conditions.

This is a highly-anticipated course, as Dr. Chang shares his latest herbal findings that have yielded great clinical success! This is an eye-opening experience with potential to change the way you practice herbology.

Upon completion of this course, practitioners will:

  • Understand the concept of fang jia fang
  • Know the latest clinically effective herbal findings
  • Be able to prescribe herbs based on pulse signs

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