
PTSD Treatment Using Cupping, Manual Therapy, & Moxibustion

Course Level:
Access Time: 6 months of unlimited access
Originally Aired: 
Sun, 03/05/2017

8 CEU/PDA/CPD accepted by CA (Category 1), NCCAOM (AOM-BIO), FL (General), IL, TX (General), AHPRA, AFPA, BAcC, CTCMA, IVAS, NZASA, NZRA

Distance Learning CEU Video (Online)

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, develops in some people who have seen or lived through a shocking or scary event that either is, or is perceived to be, life-threatening. Not everyone that has experienced a trauma will develop PTSD. Symptoms generally develop 4-6 weeks (less than 3 months) after the traumatic event, but sometimes they are not evident until years after.

In this course, Dr. Melissa Monroe, a seasoned acupuncturist with personal and clinical PTSD experience, shares how various TCM modalities are used in the treatment of PTSD. The course outline is as follows:

  • Cupping with: Yuan Source Points, Luo Connecting Points, Urinary Bladder, Lung, Heart, Kidney, Liver, Spleen, San Jiao, Gallbladder, Small Intestine, Stomach, and Large Intestine.
  • Myofascial Work
  • Moxibustion
  • Meditation
  • Self Care

It is recommended to take the following PTSD courses by Dr. Monroe in the order listed:
1. Treating PTSD with Traditional Chinese Medicine
2. PTSD Research Updates & New Developments in Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment
3. PTSD Treatment Using Cupping, Manual Therapy, & Moxibustion

Upon completion of this course, practitioners will:

  • Learn updated research in PTSD
  • Recognize PTSD effects on musculoskeletal system
  • Understand the use of other TCM modalities in treatment of TCM (moxabustion, cupping, manual therapy)

These online courses are immediately accessible after purchase therefore are non-refundable.

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CA (Category 1), NCCAOM (AOM-BIO), FL (General), IL, TX (General), AHPRA, AFPA, BAcC, CTCMA, IVAS, NZASA, NZRA
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