Finding the root imbalance is important because it provides solid foundation and a framework to base the treatment approach on, confirms that the acupuncture, Chinese herbs, essential oils, and supplements are correcting the root imbalance with easy palpation techniques, and clients feel the changes in the palpation areas before inserting needles or taking supplements. Michelle Buchanan, a seasoned practitioner who has over 12 years of clinical experience and is a recognized as an innovator in the field of acupuncture for integrating functional medicine and therapeutic grade essential oils with her treatments, shares how to identify root imbalances using Body-Feedback Acupuncture and how to support root imbalances with acupuncture and Chinese herbs.
Upon completion of this course, practitioners will:
Understand the importance of root imbalances
Identify root imbalances using Body-Feedback Acupuncture
Recognize how to support root imbalances with acupuncture and Chinese herbs
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