
Identifying and Treating The Root Meridians

Course Level:
Access Time: 6 months of unlimited access
Originally Aired: 
Sat, 04/02/2016

Course Type: Video
Units: 8 CEUs/PDAs
Accepted by: CA (Category 1), NCCAOM (AOM-BIO), FL (General), IL, TX (General), AHPRA, AFPA, BAcC, CTCMA, IVAS, NZASA, NZRA
Run Time: 8 hrs

Body-Feedback Acupuncture is a palpation-based system for diagnosis and treatment based on classical five-phase point prescriptions. In this course, Michelle Buchanan, creator of Body-Feedback Acupuncture, shares how this innovative system can help practitioners easily identify root meridian imbalances and correlate them to meridian, organ, or endocrine gland dysfunctions. In other words, using this style of acupuncture will help you find the root issues in your client.

In Part 2 of this course, Scalp & Facial Needling and Supporting Root Meridian Imbalances, Michelle focuses on incorporating additional points from classical point categories, scalp, and facial points. Michelle will also cover brain and nervous system health as it relates to the meridian system and the selection of additional abdominal and back points to enhance the root treatments.

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Body-Feedback style acupuncture is a palpation-based system for diagnosis and treatment based on classical five-phase point prescriptions. The palpation techniques can identify root meridian imbalances and correlate them to meridian, organ, or endocrine gland dysfunctions. In other words, using this style of acupuncture will help you find the root issues in your patient.

Join Michelle Buchanan, owner of one of the largest acupuncture clinics in the Midwest who has 12 years of acupuncture clinical experience, as she shares how this system uses meridian alarm points, applied kinesiology muscle and meridian associations, and scalp and facial acupuncture to identify root meridian imbalances compromising health.

In addition, Michelle will discuss various treatment options including Classical point prescriptions with gentle needling techniques, Chinese herbs, nutritional supplements, and therapeutic-grade essential oils. Body-Feedback techniques follow a systematic approach that can be utilized with all patients and any presenting complaint.

The continuation of this course, Scalp & Facial Needling and Supporting Root Meridian Imbalances, is highly recommended for an optimal learning experience.

Upon completion of this course, practitioners will:

  • Understand how to quickly identify the root meridian imbalance compromising health.
  • Learn how to base treatments on classical five-phase point prescriptions from the controlling and engendering cycles.
  • Learn additional treatment options including choosing Chinese herbs, nutritional supplements, and essential oils based on Body-Feedback diagnosis.

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CA (Category 1), NCCAOM (AOM-BIO), FL (General), IL, TX (General), AHPRA, AFPA, BAcC, CTCMA, IVAS, NZASA, NZRA
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Comments from Webinar

This is the best course I have ever experienced on ELotus. Michelle was such a pleasure to listen to and I enjoyed her enthusiasm, and sense of humor. I can't wit to see her again!!!
I am so glad that I happened to do her webinars in December and was delighted to see her on the schedule for this last weekend. She is awesome and has so much practical information to share. She mentioned some other classes she does and would be willing to do w elotus. I'd gladly take any courses she offers.

Engaging, good sense of humor, informative, easy going and confident in her abilities

One of the best eLotus courses I have taken. The presentation of the info was still a little confusing but the info presented, was in my opinion, INVALUABLE!!! and I am grateful.

I would love to follow her around in her acupuncture practice to learn everything from her. Great speaker, well organized with her material and thoughts.

She is one of the most delightful speakers I have heard in all of my distance learning

just fabulous... practical, theory & hands on ....all covered beautifully... love her exuberance & love of work

Want more of Michelle's teaching!!! Functional Medicine, endocrine, affirmations...all of them!

broad knowledge in the domain and articulated

Excellent knowledge. Excellent written material.

down to earth

Very alert and responsive to questions from the present or "virtual" audience.

I thought she was great and I could tell she was very experienced in her methodology.

Easy to follow and very knowledgable and approachable about learning her technique.

Really like her willingness and ability to share knowledge and her relaxed teaching manner.
Easy personality

Has a wonderful understanding of this complex system and tremendous experience.

she is great, I love this class and she was always ready to answer Questions and she did it in a great way.

Thanks Michelle for sharing your knowledge with us so generously.

An energetic and inspiring teacher.

Michele is an excellent speaker with lots of experience and information.

Michelle was an excellent teacher - very inspiring!

good, funny and informative

just great...want more

Very good

Wealth of knowledge, very organized instructor.

great knowledge and experience of subject matter.

really enjoyed her ability to teach and provide new insight into points. The demonstrations were even more informative as you were able to see how it worked. The woman being able to raise her arms up was my favorite however; I do not recall if they did an appropriate exam on her shoulder to evaluate anterior flexion, lateral flexion, extension and add/abduction.
Wonderful speaker; great presentation. Michelle's obvious joy in both her work and relating with other people was a gift to witness. Thank you for a superb 8 hour class!

bring her back for more classes. plan to take her class in August. would love level 2 next step in her class courses.

She's wonderful. Great practical information. I'd glad take any class she offers. So far they've all been awesome.

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