
Herb-Drug Interactions for the Collection Formulas, Part II

Course Level:
Originally Aired: 
Sat, 05/02/2015

Course Type: Audio
Units: 8 CEUs/PDAs
Accepted by: NCCAOM (8 SA), FL (5 general, 3 biomed), IL, TX (6 general, 2 herbal), AHPRA, AFPA, BAcC, CCHPBC, IVAS, NZASA, NZRA; No approval by CA Acupuncture Board
Run Time: 8 hrs

Increasingly, patients seeking acupuncture and herbal care may already be on a variety of western pharmaceuticals. It is essential that acupuncturists understand the fundamentals of possible herb-drug interactions prior to prescribing any herbal formulas for patients who are already taking western medications. Unexpected side effects from herb-drug interactions are a real and often devastating possibility. Ensure the safety of your patients and your practice with an understanding of possible herb-drug interactions.

This course focuses on conditions in the following: cardiovascular/metabolic disorders, women/men health, endocrine disorders, respiratory disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, stone disorders, and cancer support.

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Dr. John Chen, a recognized authority in western pharmacology and Chinese herbal medicine, author, and faculty of the USC School of Pharmacology and many TCM colleges, shares the most appropriate herb-drug interactions in relation to Evergreen Herbs' Collection formulas. In addition, Dr. Chen also discusses the safe and defensive practice guidelines to minimize side-effects, adverse reactions, and herb-drug interactions.

Evergreen’s Collection formulas are classic formulas modified and adapted for powerful contemporary usage, often given straightforward names linked with the primary diagnosis appropriate for the formula. These formulas are not only individually effective, but are used by some of our profession’s top practitioners in modular fashion, that is, combining formulas to create an even more effective master formula specific to an individual’s unique health patterns and imbalances.

This course focuses on conditions in the following: cardiovascular/metabolic disorders, women/men health, endocrine disorders, respiratory disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, stone disorders, and cancer support.

This is a continuation of Part I. Click here to see the course description of Part I. Taking Part I is not required, but highly recommended for an optimal learning experience.

Upon completion of this course, practitioners will:

  • Understand safe and defensive practice guidelines to minimize side-effects.
  • Recognize herb-drug interactions when using the Evergreen Herbs' Collection formulas.
  • Recognize pros and cons of pharmaceutical drugs and herbal medicine.

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