
Discovering the Healing Powers of Vietnamese Acupuncture, Part I

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Originally Aired: 
Sat, 06/08/2019

8 CEU/PDA/CPD accepted by CA #383 (Category 1), NCCAOM (AOM-AC), FL (General), IL, TX (General), AHPRA, AFPA, BAcC, CCHPBC, IVAS, NZASA, NZRA

Distance Learning CEU Video (Online)


Uncovering Secrets of Classical Chinese Acupuncture, Part I: The Fundamentals

Dr. Marc Mezard is a French doctor with nearly 30 years of research and clinical experience in the six roots and five elements theory of Vietnamese Traditional Medicine. Vietnamese Acupuncture (VN) uses blood pressure, heart rate, tongue, pulse, 6 Roots, 5 Elements, and 8 Principles to give the Functional Evaluation (FE). Once the FE is clear, then treatment is very simple. This method focuses on addressing the imbalance of yin and yang and the five Elements of each organ to obtain overall balance.

Join us in learning an easy, yet effective treatment strategy of acupuncture that has been around for centuries and has been forgotten until now. The roots of Vietnamese Acupuncture are actually from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This is the TRUE teaching of TCM and you will learn how this forgotten ancestral diagnosis is the key to unlocking the best treatment outcome for your patient!

In Part I of this five-part series, participants will learn:

  • The purpose of Functional Evaluation
  • The TRUTH of how the Chinese discovered the 6 anatomical systems (aka the 6 ROOTS of the TREE OF LIFE)
  • What are the 6 ROOTS: JING - QI - XUE - AM QI - SHEN - JIN YE
  • Root 1: Uro-genital System: Jing (KD/UB): Functions in modern medicine, functions in TCM, symptoms, functional evaluation, and treatment points
  • Root 2: Respiratory System: Qi (LU/LI): Functions in modern medicine, functions in TCM, symptoms, functional evaluation, and treatment points

There are 5 parts of this series which should be taken in order. This course continues with Part II, which is highly recommended for an optimal learning experience. Click here to see Part II’s course description and register.

These online courses are immediately accessible after purchase therefore are non-refundable.

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Purchase this product and receive access to the Lotus Clinical Manual of Oriental Medicine for FREE!

CA (Category 1), NCCAOM (AOM-AC), FL (General), IL, TX (General), AHPRA, AFPA, BAcC, CCHPBC, IVAS, NZASA, NZRA
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