悬钟穴 Xuanzhong (GB 39): What Does Xuan Zhong mean? Why is it named that? What Can This Point be Used for? by Tina Chen, L.Ac.

悬钟穴 Xuanzhong (GB 39): What Does Xuan Zhong mean? Why is it named that? What Can This Point be Used for?
by Tina Chen, L.Ac.
Xuan 悬 =Suspended Zhong 钟 = Bell
Xuanzhong (GB 39), Suspended Bell is the hui meeting point of the marrow. Classic indications are to treat deficiency conditions relating to the bone or wei zheng (atrophy syndrome) and other conditions such as dizziness, tinnitus, sore throat, etc related to kidney deficiency. It can also be used to treat neck pain on the GB channel.
This is a point that can strengthen the Kidney and help with its multiple functions. One of the reasons why it’s named such is that when the Kidneys are strengthened, the bones can then be strong enough to hold a heavy Suspended Bell.
Another reason why it’s called Suspended Bell is that in nourishing the Kidney, it can then pump the water upwards to the throat and treat Kidney yin deficiency type of sore throat or dry throat. After needling this point, one should feel a sensation in the throat, and then saliva should be produced. It’s an excellent point for cancer patients with dry throat and mouth as well as chronic respiratory issues involving dry, sore throat or hoarseness of the voice. With the use of this point, one’s voice can be as loud as the suspended bell and be heard from miles away.