Treating Allergies with Four Constitutional Acupuncture by David Lee
Don't you love how there are so many different ways to treat allergies using acupuncture?!?!
In the 1 hour webinar with David Lee, he talks about Four Constitutional Acupuncture and shares 6 different Four Needle Techniques to treat allergies.
Four Constitutional Acupuncture is really neat because conditions are easily diagnosed, easy to administer, and the results are quick.
Dr. Lee begins with the definition of allergy and its signs/symptoms (the basic stuff), then goes on to talk about treatment based on torso shapes. Torso shapes are related to each of the four constitutions! (Find out which one you are - it's all in the lecture notes!) Dr. Lee then talks about how to measure the torso to figure out the torso type, then how to diagnosis, and finally treatment! It's all very interesting and I've never really heard about this elsewhere so it was really fun to listen in... and now it's your turn! The recording is available on our TCM Wisdom Tube.
To watch the full recording, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!
~Donna Chow, L.Ac.
For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!
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