Skin Diseases: Pulse, Auricular, Herbs, & Acupuncture - Jeffrey Russell
What a treat it is to have Jeffrey Russell share his experiences in treating Skin Disorders. Jeffrey is a long-time student of Dr. Jimmy Chang on clinical diagnostic techniques using pulse diagnosis and herbal prescription as well as with Susan Johnson – the foremost teacher and practitioner of Master Tung style acupuncture. This means that Jeffrey has wrapped up, into a pretty package, all his knowledge on pulse diagnosis, herbal treatment, and Master Tung's points. And the best part about all this is that he does a really GREAT job on explaining what he does, and how he does it. Perfect for someone just starting out!
Here are some highlights (and nice reminders that I may have forgotten!):
- The Lung controls the skin. It's the first line of defense.
- The qi is commander of the blood, if the qi stagnates, the blood congeals.
- Liver cleans blood.
- Right cun is the lung
- Right chi is the "taiyang area"
- Left guan is the liver
- The right chi can show skin issues. Yinqiao is the pulse in the chi position. It is a constricted, thin, straight pulse, and often extends upon the chi. It can show skin allergies, psoriasis, eczema.
- If the pulse in the right chi is deep, tight, and to the bone, it can be a cervical disc problem.
- For NSAIDS and any pain medicine, you will see an increase of the bracial pulse so this relates to the Kidney.
- Zhi Si Ma - points used for dermatitis in the hand.
The above are just some fun tidbits I was able to catch. He talked about a lot of great things!!! I need to definiltely watch it again! If you would like to catch it also, you can check out the Skin Diseases's TCM Wisdom Tube - now available!
For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!
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