Helping More People with Better Outcomes by Curry Chaudoir

Another great webinar with Curry Chaudoir on how to maximize your practice to help more people!

Curry starts off talking about 3 formidable barriers: communication, diagnosis, and point/herb selection. In order to help more people, you will need to have an organized and efficient practice.

First off are the two crucial communication steps – the first contact and education over the first several visits. To be able to obtain an effective diagnosis and point/herb prescription, Curry goes over a few steps. The first one is during the patient’s initial visit where you, as the practitioner, cover the question, “Can acupuncture help?” Then, in the initial exam, the goal is to determine the underlying cause of the whole body’s trouble. It is important to disease patterns first, then symptoms. To be able to see the body change functionally, give it at least 3 treatments.

When focusing on treatment, always come up with a base diagnosis for the patient. The MOST IMPORTANT fact to tell the patient is that acupuncture does not treat the symptoms. Acupuncture helps to restore the body to get rid of the symptoms! And don’t forget to treat the “spirit” points too aka calm the shen because we all know how stressed out everyone is. Plus, it wouldn’t hurt to calm the patient emotionally anyways.

To watch the full recording, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!



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