Fast Pain Relief with Tung's Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs with Henry McCann

Fast Pain Relief with Tung's Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs with Henry McCann

If you're new the Tung acupuncture and unsure where to start, I'd highly recommend that you start with Henry's Fast Pain Relief videos - Part 1 and 2. Why? Because he starts the class off slow by clearly explaining the theories and the "why" so that you're not just memorizing points but the groundwork of what makes Tung acupuncture so great. And let me tell you, the point prescription AND herbal prescriptions that Henry shares in these classes are GOLD! The handouts are so clearly written that he pretty much tells you exactly what to do when a patient comes to you with Pain XYZ. Do your patients a favor and watch these videos. They're incredible and will really change your practice.

And because I can't keep a good thing to myself, here are some clinical treasures from the class:

• ​Acupuncture points are hard to locate on healthy individuals. When qi stagnates or pathological qi invades from the outside, the point becomes depressed or protrudes.
• Bleeding the apex has a "calm the shen" affect
• Ren-4 & Sp-9 govern disorders of the Kidney
• These points treat pain for all over the head or can be used as the "shotgun" version of treating headaches: Shui Qu 66.09, Men Jin 66.05, Huo Zhu 66.04, and Ling Gu 22.05 (aka Gb-41, St-43, Lr-3, & Li-4)
• Si-3 needling tip: Needle RIGHT UNDER the bone because it has a strong correlation to kidney. If the condition is kidney-related, needle close to the bone.
• Ht-8: needle or massage for needle shock
• 5 general points for pain if you don't know where to start: Ling Gu, Shen Guan, 88.25, 26, 27 (must use for pain!), and lower 3 emperors
• Ma Jin Shui 1010.13 & Ma Kuai Shui 1010.14 - great for relieving pain from Kidney stones. Needle opposite side but can do bilateral.
• Master Tung believed knee problems all have to do with Heart Zang
• Needle Ling Gu 22.05 towards the thenar eminence so that it can also get the Lung channel and take care of problems related to LU.

Check out Henry's videos for more clinical herbs prescriptions and Tung points!

Part 1: Fast Pain Relief with Tung's Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs, Part I
Part 2: Fast Pain Relief with Tung's Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs, Part II

If you are an Annual Gold Pass Member, find all of Henry's videos here to begin your complimentary viewing.

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.


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