| Tratamiento de Los Síntomas Oncológicos con La Medicina Tradicional China, Parte II | $129 |
| Tratamientos de Medicina Tradicional China Eficaces para Las Alergias y Los Resfriados | $109 |
| Treating Acid Reflux with Western and Oriental Medicine | $25 |
| Treating Acne and Blackheads with Western and Chinese Medicine | $25 |
| Treating Amenorrhea with Western and Chinese Medicine | $25 |
| Treating Asthma with Western and Chinese Medicine | $25 |
| Treating Autoimmune Digestive Disorders with Body-Feedback Acupuncture, Essential Oils, and Herbs | $129 |
| Treating Autoimmune Pain Disorders with Body-Feedback Acupuncture, Essential Oils, and Herbs | $129 |
| Treating Benign Breast Disorder with Western and Chinese Medicine | $25 |
| Treating Breast Cancer Survivors with Acupuncture & Herbs | $17 |
| Treating Breast Cancer with Western and Chinese Medicine | $25 |
| Treating Candidal Vaginitis with Western and Chinese Medicine | $25 |