| Pediatric Acupuncture & Herbs: Integrative Channel Development, GI Issues, and Tuina Strategies | $129 |
| Pediatrics: Special Considerations for Treating Infants and Toddlers | $17 |
| Pediatrics: Treating the Most Common Respiratory and Digestive Disorders | $109 |
| Peripheral Neuropathy: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment | $17 |
| Personal Injury Practice for Acupuncturists | $65 |
| Postpartum Complications and Care: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment | $17 |
| Powdered Formulations: The Art of Herbal Preparation | $17 |
| Practice Management: Making Private Practice Work | $140 |
| Pragmatic Neuroacupuncture: Exploring the Intersection of Neurology and Acupuncture | $95 |
| Pregnancy Complications: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment | $17 |
| Pregnancy Support, Labor Preparation, and Post-Partum Care with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs | $129 |
| Professional Ethics and Risk Management | $32 |