| Introduction to Ba Gua: Foundations for Health and Harmony | $125 |
| Keep it Simple: Six Channels and One Easy Acupuncture Protocol, Part I | $129 |
| Keep it Simple: Six Channels and One Easy Acupuncture Protocol, Part II | $129 |
| Kitchen Herbs (Live Webinar + Workshop) | $169 |
| Latest YNSA Protocols for Meniere's Disease, Tinnitus and other ENT Disorders | $95 |
| Latest YNSA Protocols for Stroke, Parkinson's and other Neurological Disorders | $95 |
| Mapping Microsystems: Eye and Clavicle Acupuncture | $75 |
| Mental and Emotional Health in Tung's Acupuncture | $140 |
| Neijing and Nanjing Treatment Strategies in Tung's Acupuncture | $140 |
| Numerology and Acupuncture Point Combinations: Archetypes and Life Paths | $140 |
| Numerology and Acupuncture Point Combinations: Personal Years and Arrows of Pythagoras | $140 |
| Pragmatic Neuroacupuncture: Exploring the Intersection of Neurology and Acupuncture | $95 |