Yan-Ling Dong 董延齡

董延齡教授,是台灣第一線國醫級的中醫師,行醫超過50年,也是台灣第一位進駐立法院醫務室駐診的中醫師,為無數立法委員看過病,及國內外政要多人看診。因盛名遠播,還曾應邀到阿拉伯聯合國大公國為國王及多名王室成員看病。下藥如神,深深體認中醫藥的博大精深和優越的臨床療效 ,具有西方醫學不可取代的特長,有「國醫」美稱。於2008年榮獲美國自然醫學研究院榮譽院士之頭銜。現為董延齡診所院長。

董延齡教授 ,三代祖傳,並為考試院中醫師特考及格;專精內科 、婦科、皮膚科、泌尿科、消化器科以及針灸科。在漫長的行醫歲月中,曾醫治很多西方醫學束手無策 的危篤重症及特殊疾病數百人。對於複雜的慢性病、功能性、免疫 性疾病、以及久年不癒的皮膚病、肝膽病、胃腸病、腎臟病、腦血管病、心臟 病、不適合開刀的外科疾病 ,都具有良好的療效。
董延齡教授認為:中醫的生理學、病理學、藥理學、診斷學 、治療方法,多採用符合科學精神的歸納法,具有執簡馭繁的優點。中醫講究,寒者熱之,熱者寒之,虛者 補之,實者洩之等平衡法則 ,更是西方醫學缺少的觀念。中醫所使用的藥 物,是中華民族數千年生活實踐所得的精華 ,只要辨證精確,用量得當,對人 體只有正面的作用,不會產生負面影響。中醫藥更是生活化、平民化的保健醫學。


Dr. Yan-Ling Dong is known as the “National Treasure” of Taiwan and is a 3rd generation TCM doctor. With over 50 years of clinical experience, Dr. Dong is also the first Chinese medicine practitioner to be stationed in the medical office of the Legislative Department of Taiwan. He has treated countless legislators, domestic politicians, and foreign politicians. Due to his prestigious reputation, he was also invited to the Arab United Nations to treat their King and several members of the royal family. In 2008, he was honored as the Honorary Fellow of the American Academy of Natural Medicine. He is currently the Dean of Dong Yang-ling Clinic.

His specialization includes internal medicine, gynecology, dermatology, urology, gastrointestinal, and acupuncture. During his extensive years of practice, he has treated hundreds of critical cases and rare diseases that many Western medicines could not solve.

Recently, Dr. Dong combined and recorded many years of his first-aid experience into the book, "36 Cases of Chinese Medicine First Aid", and won the National Traditional Medicine Award for Excellence in Traditional Chinese Medicine. In addition, he has numerous book publications.


Courses by Yan-Ling Dong 董延齡

Chinese Courses
第三代中醫師臨床經驗論 Clinical Pearls from a 3rd Generation TCM Doctor
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
Speaker Preview: 
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