T. Koei Kuwahara, LicAc has been practicing acupuncture for 35 years in Boston, MA and Japan, employing both Japanese styles of Traditional Acupuncture and Japanese Medical Ki Gong to support patients. After graduating from the Tokyo Therapeutic Institute in 1979, he went on to complete an intensive five-year apprenticeship with Fukushima Kodo, renowned practitioner and developer of the Toyo Hari systems of acupuncture. Having taught for the Toyo Hari Association for 15 years, Mr. Kuwahara now teaches his own unique (Hari) style of Meridian Therapy that draws from the various systems practiced by his teachers: practitioners such as Tetsuo Shiomi, Masakazu Ikeda, Denmei Shudo (Meridian therapy), Kunsei Kudo (Bloodletting), Masanori Tanioka (Pediatrics), and Masato Nakagawa (Shinkiko/Medical Ki-Gong).
Since visiting the New England School of Acupuncture as a guest instructor in 1991, he has been teaching several JAS courses, advanced continuing education programs at NESA, and in many part of the world. He is the editor of Traditional Japanese Acupuncture –Fundamentals of Meridian Therapy, and of numerous acupuncture articles. Also he has practiced Aikido and Iaido for 40 years. He lives in Watertown, MA and maintains a private practice.