Richard Teh-Fu Tan 譚特夫, O.M.D., L.Ac.
2016 marked the passing of a great practitioner and a legendary teacher-- Dr. Richard Tan holds a special place in our hearts as the man who revolutionized the practice and teaching of Acupuncture today.
Dr. Tan was a leading authority in our profession. His skills represented the culmination of years of study and seeing thousands of patients during his 20 years of practice. Dr. Tan’s mission was to teach his Balance Method to as many practitioners as possible. And that mission and his legacy still lives on, even beyond his passing.
As Dr. Tan always said, “The Show Must Go On!” And thanks to technology, we can do exactly that. Since 2003, eLotus has held many seminars with Dr. Tan, and we have preserved all of his past lectures on tape. Footages from his 20+ classes will be available as online distance learning videos starting 2017. We will announce the release each month when they are ready.
We are fortunate to live in a time when the wisdom of great practitioners like Dr. Tan can be captured and preserved for posterity. eLotus is honored to be part of Dr. Tan’s legacy because we share the same vision to dedicate ourselves to the preservation and continuation of TCM wisdom. The best kind of knowledge is shared, passed on, translated into the healing of patients, and the furthering of our TCM profession.
平衡針法是簡單有效的針灸方法。在過去三十年,平衡針法在世界各地開花結果。只是使用簡單的三個步驟,即可以達到立竿見影的效果。平衡針法在醫師與醫師之間,醫師與病人之間,甚至是病人與病人之間,一次一次的被見證著偉大的中醫,奇蹟的效果。平衡針法不在患處下針。 平衡針法不讓病人懷疑針灸的效果。 平衡針法要的是針針見效,立竿見影。
2016年銘記著一位偉大的醫師同時也是一位傳奇的老師的逝世 - 譚特夫醫師。然而,這位偉大的醫師將永遠銘刻在我們的心中,因為他發起的改革徹底改變了今時今日的針灸實踐與教學。
論譚醫師對今日的針灸的改變, 在譚醫師行醫的三十載裏,被治愈的患者不计其数。針對不同患者,譚醫師一定會對其的病例認真的思考鉆研,尤其在針法上下功夫為的是精益求精。正是譚醫師這樣嚴謹和堅持不懈的精神,博覽從古至今的書籍,加上自身的臨床經驗,研究出了一套譚氏天應穴平衡針的獨特針法。再來經過這二十多年的創新改良,已經發展到不論患者得的是何種病癥都能使用譚氏針法達到立竿見影的療效。
我們很幸運能夠生活在像譚醫師這樣的偉大針灸師的智慧能夠被傳播和保存下來的時代。 eLotus很榮幸能夠成為譚醫師光輝人生中的一部分,因為我們有著共同的願景,致力於保護和延續中醫博大精深的智慧。最好的知識是值得被分享,傳遞,隨後能夠被轉化到利用於治愈我們的患者,以及推動我們的中醫專業發揚光大,被越來越多的人信任和學習。
Courses by Richard Teh-Fu Tan 譚特夫, O.M.D., L.Ac.
Book(s) Authored

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"Loved this webinar! I will listen to any others you have with this speaker. He makes my Full Access Pass totally worthwhile!"
"Loved it. kept it entertaining."
"Always love to hear Dr. Tan - can't get enough! Always pick up something new each time!"
"Dr. Tan is a very knowledgeable and motivating speaker and teacher."
"Dr Tan is my fav Master. I have learned a lot from him. I have been using his method more than one year and I' get better result from patients almost all the times."
"Clearly explained practical information"
"One of the best acupuncture lecturers I have ever heard"
"Great condensed knowledge. Excellent presentation"
"He is such a treasure of knowledge, and teaches in a very direct and understandable way."
"I love the way he repeat his methods. It really help sink in his materials. Repetition is the key and he really encourages you to learn the system."
"I thought Dr. Tan was great. I learned a lot of useful things. Please bring him back soon."
"It's Dr. Tan. I've been to several of his seminars, so kinda knew what to expect. He's a great speaker and I enjoyed the demonstrations at the end."
"I think he is tired and he does such amazing work and I am thankful always."
"He is always an excellent showman, comedian, and teacher, not necessarily in that order."
"Dr Tan is amazing! He is so fun and engaging and TOTALLY hits the nail on the head by making fun of us and our fears to try new things! And the angry acupuncturists--hahaha so true!"
"Dr Tan is full of information. he really seems to care that we get the system and can use it to advance our practice and help our patients. and he's a lot of fun to listen to."
"Dr. Tan is very experienced in his field, and his method is certainly worth a try. That does not mean he should belittle other acupuncturists and acupuncture methods. I have been practicing successfully for 22 years, and don't need to hear that my method is worthless - so I suggest a little more respect for collegues - not everybody in the webinar is a beginner."
"Definitely a life changer. Would love to see him live!"
"Dr. Tan rocks! What more can I say? He's taught me so much over the past 6 years. I know he's busy, but I will tune in for all his webinars!"
"He definitely knows his stuff and is very informative and entertaining. Overall the presentation was not as organized as I would have liked it to be for learning purposes. Yet I do appreciate his vast knowledge and will go back and listen to lecture again to look for better grasp of information."