Po Hsin Lin 林伯欣, TCM Doctor (Taiwan), DiplOM, Licensed Acup New York


林伯欣醫師為台灣中國醫藥大學醫學博士,曾任台灣中國醫藥大學學士後中醫學系部定副教授。大學授課12年,並同時實際執行臨床診療業務20年,才學及醫療實務能力素令台灣杏林同道、學生及病患崇仰讚譽。林醫師教學與研究專長的兩大方向為:(1) 古典中醫學發展的歷史、經驗、時人思維及理論流變。(2) 古典中醫學的文獻考察與其臨床技術的現代應用。



《中醫學概論》,中國醫藥大學中醫學院 2011 (合著)
《痛史:古典中醫的生命論述》,東大圖書公司 2012(個人著作)
《黃帝內經今義(增新版)》,正中書局 2013(個人編修)
《中醫學史》, 國立中國醫藥研究所 2014(合著)

Po Hsin Lin earned a Doctor of Medicine from China Medical University in Taiwan and worked as an associate professor in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine after completing a bachelor's degree at the same institution. He taught for 12 years at the university and has been in private practice for 20 years, specializing in difficult-to-treat conditions. Dr. Lin's teaching and research expertise spans two major areas: (1) the history, experience, contemporary thinking, and theoretical evolution of Classical Chinese medicine; and (2) the history, experience, contemporary thinking, and theoretical evolution of Classical Chinese medicine. (2) A review of the literature on Classical Chinese medicine and its modern applications.

Dr. Lin was invited to over 50 speaking events from 2010 to 2019 by various TCM organizations, hospitals, or professional associations, in addition to seeing patients in his private practice, conducting research, and teaching at the university. Furthermore, from 2011 to 2017, he worked as a medical volunteer in Taiwan and abroad, treating many patients in free clinics in remote areas of Southeast Asia (Northern Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Nepal).

The focus for Dr. Lin in the next ten years include spreading the pearls of Classical Chinese Medicine. His publications in Chinese include the following:
學術論文曾發表於: 《台灣中醫醫學雜誌》、《中西整合醫學雜誌》、《中華醫史雜誌》、《新史學》及《古今論衡》等期刊。
另有個人作品: 《中醫學概論》,中國醫藥大學中醫學院 2011 (合著),《痛史:古典中醫的生命論述》,東大圖書公司 2012(個人著作), 《黃帝內經今義(增新版)》,正中書局 2013(個人編修),《中醫學史》, 國立中國醫藥研究所 2014(合著)

Courses by Po Hsin Lin 林伯欣, TCM Doctor (Taiwan), DiplOM, Licensed Acup New York

English Courses
From Theory to Clinic: Patient Analysis 1
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
From Theory to Clinic: Patient Analysis 2
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
From Theory to Clinic: Patient Analysis 3
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
Chinese Courses
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
8 CEUs
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
8 CEUs
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
8 CEUs
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
8 CEUs
遠程醫療線上跟診班 1 - 帶狀皰疹後遺症
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
遠程醫療線上跟診班 2 - 偏頭痛
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
遠程醫療線上跟診班 3 - 高血壓,高血脂,水腫
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
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