Miki Shima, O.M.D., L.Ac., N.D.

Miki Shima, O.M.D. has been practicing acupuncture and Oriental medicine for over 30 years, specializing in immune disorders and infertility.

Dr. Shima became interested in acupuncture when he was 21 and studied acupuncture with such masters as Dr. Tadashi Ire; herbal medicine with Dr. Terutane Yamada; and the Medical I Ching with Dr. Sango Kobayashi. He passed the California State Board Examination in 1979.

Dr. Shima has taught over 200 workshops and seminars all over the U.S. and in other parts of the world. He is a speaker at most major Oriental medical conventions and one of the most popular teachers in Oriental medicine today. His bright personality and brilliant intellect combine to create stimulating presentations of unique Japanese acupuncture and herbal techniques.

In 2004, Dr. Miki Shima became an honored recipient of the AAAOM “Lifetime Achievement Award.”

Courses by Miki Shima, O.M.D., L.Ac., N.D.

English Courses
Treatment of Infertility with Oriental Medicine
Treatment of Infertility with Oriental Medicine
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
6 CEUs
Treatment of Infertility with Oriental Medicine: An Introduction
Treatment of Infertility with Oriental Medicine: An Introduction
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Treatment of Infertility with Oriental Medicine: An Introduction
TCM Wisdom Tube
0 CEUs
Miki Shima
Speaker Preview: 
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