Lee Funk has been licensed to practice acupuncture since 2000 and has also traveled to Thailand and China to further his education in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Currently, Dr. Funk is a webinar at University of Science, Art, and Technology (USAT) and also teaches seminars in auriculo-acupuncture, Korean acupuncture, I-Ching, Master Tung acupuncture, and joint mobilization blended with craniosacral techniques.
Dr. Funk enjoys visiting Haiti, Honduras treating underprivileged residents with chiropractic and acupuncture. He is currently finishing his MD degree as well as setting up an acupuncture program for medical school. His goal is to help Acupuncturists be clinically effective and able to make a living at the same time.
"Great speaker with vast knowledge."
"He is another amazing instructor with an impressive medical background."
"The speak seemed to really be passionate about the subject matter. It was great listening to him."