Jun-Qing Luo 羅俊卿, Daoist Master, Orthopedic Specialist

Jun-Qing Luo is the 7th-generation heir of the well-known Luo-Clan Orthopedics. He has been studying Shaolin-style martial art since childhood and is specialized in treating traumatic injuries. Dr. Luo has over 20 years of clinical experience and has treated over 28,000 patients by using the Luo-Clan Bone-Setting Methods, which are very effective in treating diseases, such as cervical spondylopathy, stiff neck, and knee joint arthritis, etc. He has developed a unique theory and formula for treating orthopedic diseases. In addition, Dr. Luo also integrates the Luo-Clan Methods with acupoint-pressing methods to treat a number of internal diseases, such as diarrhea, prostatic hyperplasia, migraine, headaches, stomachaches, and insomnia.

羅俊卿 醫師, 中醫骨傷科世家傳承 集針灸、方藥與食療之大成

羅俊卿醫師,出生中國北京,中醫骨傷科世家,從小跟隨祖母中國骨傷科專家羅有明學習。1982 年畢業於中國成都中醫學院,旋即進入羅有明中醫骨傷科醫院完成實習課程,於1986 年升為主治醫師。1993 年羅俊卿醫師轉任為中國航天部醫院骨傷科副主任,由於精湛的醫術,羅醫師於2000 年升為主任醫師,成為中國骨傷科最年輕的主任醫師之一。羅醫師擁有超過20年的臨床經驗,並通過使用羅氏正骨的方法治療超過28, 000名患者,這些手法在治療頸椎病,頸部僵硬和膝關節關節炎等疾病有著顯著的奇效。

羅醫師認為,骨傷科疾病大部分是因為軟組織損傷後,造成肌肉、肌腱、韌帶的粘連,導致疼痛與活動受限,嚴重時甚至形成骨關節錯位。綜合中西醫學理論及數十年臨床的實踐,羅醫師發展出一種獨特治療軟組織損傷的手法,取名[羅俊卿骨傷手法治療],這種手法治療著重軟組織,在放鬆肌肉、韌帶後,以手法剝離粘連組織,進而輕易矯正骨關節錯位。羅醫師自小習武,跟隨名師學習少林武術,八卦掌,因緣際會,又得佛教、道教高人傳授醫術,因此其手法穩、準、輕、快,力達入骨,柔中帶剛,剛中有柔,已達 [隨心所欲,手到病除] 之境。此外,羅醫師還將羅氏正骨法與穴位按壓法相結合,以此來治療腹瀉,前列腺增生,偏頭痛,頭痛,胃痛和失眠等多種內科疾病。

羅俊卿的祖母羅有明則是 人稱的雙橋老太太,是雙橋正骨第五代傳人。曾為鄧穎超診治 被稱為“一腳踢”的“雙橋老太”羅有明1904年生於河南省夏邑縣羅樓村祖傳正骨世家,在四代單傳的祖母羅陳氏身邊長大。5歲時跟隨奶奶學習正骨,16歲時獨立行醫,97歲歇診。因曾在雙橋衛生院看診被稱為“雙橋老太太”,是當今世上坐班行醫時間最長和年紀最大的一名中醫大師。

Courses by Jun-Qing Luo 羅俊卿, Daoist Master, Orthopedic Specialist

Chinese Courses
Masters At Work: Back Tui-Na (Back and Hip)
Masters At Work: Back Tui-Na (Back and Hip) 背臀推拿
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
0 CEUs
Masters At Work: Lower Body Tui-Na
Masters At Work: Lower Body Tui-Na 下半身推拿
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
0 CEUs
Masters At Work: Luo's Basic Tui-Na Techniques
Masters At Work: Luo's Basic Tui-Na Techniques 基本推拿技術
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
0 CEUs
Masters At Work: Neck Tui-Na (Neck and Shoulder)
Masters At Work: Neck Tui-Na (Neck and Shoulder) 頸肩推拿
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
0 CEUs
Masters At Work: Upper Body Tui-Na
Masters At Work: Upper Body Tui-Na 上半身推拿
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
0 CEUs
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