Tung's Acupuncture and Bloodletting for the Collection Formulas, Part I
8 CEU/PDA/CPD accepted by NCCAOM (6 AOM-BIO, 2 Safety), FL (General), IL, TX (6 General, 2 Safety), AHPRA, AFPA, BAcC, CTCMA, IVAS, NZASA, NZRA; No approval by CA Acupuncture Board
Distance Learning CEU Video (Online)
Master Tung's acupuncture and its unique set of points is famous for its simplicity, convenience, and clinical efficacy. Henry McCann, author of Practical Atlas of Tung's Acupuncture[1] and Pricking the Vessels: Bloodletting Therapy in Chinese Medicine[2], shares an exclusive opportunity to learn how to use Master Tung’s acupuncture in conjunction with popular herbal formulas used for today’s ailments.
Part I of this series will focus on internal disorders of the endocrine, gastrointestinal, hepatic/gallbladder, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems.
This course continues with Part II, which is highly recommended for an optimal learning experience. Click here[3] to see Part II course description and register.
Note: State regulatory boards and agencies have differing perspectives on whether bloodletting is appropriately part of your acupuncture scope of practice. Understanding this skill and its therapeutic value does not guarantee that it is legal for you to practice it in your area.
These online courses are immediately accessible after purchase therefore are non-refundable.
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