Did you know you can identify TCM patterns such as blood stasis or deficiency, Spleen qi deficiency, and Kidney essence, Kidney yin and Kidney yang deficiency with Basal Body Temperature (BBT) charting? Learn how to effectively enhance fertility by choosing the best acupuncture points and Chinese herbs based on BBT charting.
Instructor Michelle Buchanan is owner of one of the largest acupuncture clinics in the Midwest and has 12 years clinical experience specializing in fertility enhancement, pregnancy and postpartum care, and Japanese-style acupuncture. Michelle follows the latest research and effectively integrates it within TCM diagnosis and treatment approaches.
In this course, she shares how to monitor improvements as seen with changes in BBT charting. Learn how to bridge the ancient TCM patterns with current day BBT charting techniques and easily communicate these findings with patients.
Upon completion of this course, practitioners will:
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