Esther Su is an experienced Tung's practitioner with 35 years of experience and is a top student of Dr. Miriam Lee, one of the pioneer acupuncturists in the United States. She also was a long-time student of Dr. Young Wei-Chieh, a direct disciple of Master Tung.
In this detailed course, Esther demonstrates her skills by treating live cases. Esther teaches and shows you, in detail, not just how to use Master Tung’s points but also how to do so in a very practical, clear way. This is the golden opportunity to learn directly from her: the next best thing to shadowing her in clinic!
Part II of this class features additional case study demonstrations. Click here [4] to see the Part II course description and register. Taking Part II is not required but is highly recommended for an optimal learning experience.
Upon completion of this course, practitioners will:
Patient Demo List
1. Clarissa - Lateral epicondylitis
2. Vannessa - Neck pain due to pinched nerve
3. Lynda - Carpal tunnel
4. Amanda - Thoracic outlet syndrome
5. Lillian - Blurry vision/floaters
6. Danielle - Fibroids
7. Christina - Postpartum (low energy, poor digestion)
8. Yvonne - Degenerative arthritis (knee, hip, shoulder/elbow)
9. Matthew - Eczema (child)
10. Brooke - Arm weakness (right)
11. Dee Wee - Spinal stenosis in L3/L4
12. Catherine - Uticaria
13. Donna - Invisible phlegm/allergy
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[1] https://www.elotus.org/sites/default/files/imagecache/product_full/newjpg_online_video_12.jpg
[2] https://www.elotus.org/bio/esther-c-su-lac
[3] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7jQcAB4Xf0
[4] https://www.elotus.org/../product/master-tungs-acupuncture-live-demo-discussion-part-ii
[5] https://www.elotus.org/../faq