In this exclusive opportunity, learn not only fundamental and advanced concepts of Master Tung’s approach, but also the strengths of applying Tung’s points where needed. Dr. Whisnant discusses this, and shares the most effective Master Tung's acupuncture points in correlation to the Evergreen Herbs' Collection formulas, with you.
Part 1 of this course focuses on conditions in the following systems: endocrine, gastrointestinal/hepatic/gallbladder, cardiovascular, and respiratory.
Part II of this course is not required but is highly recommended for an optimal learning experience. Click here [4] to see the Part II course description and register.
Upon completion of this course, practitioners will:
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[1] https://www.elotus.org/sites/default/files/imagecache/product_full/newjpg_online_video_0.jpg
[2] https://www.elotus.org/bio/brad-whisnant-daom-lac
[3] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qvFOjECEAg
[4] http://www.elotus.org/live/master-tungs-points-collection-formulas-part-ii
[5] https://www.elotus.org/../faq