The Ultimate Jumpstart: Building A Bigger Practice NOW! with Zubin Dah

The Ultimate Jumpstart: Building A Bigger Practice NOW! with Zubin Dah

Let's face it... TCM school helped us learning the foundation and basics of TCM. That's great but what about the business aspect of running an acupuncture practice?

What's the best, easiest, quickest way to learn all the business secrets from top business men and women in the industry? Well, have Zubin Dah do all the researching and work for you of course, and then teach a 1 day class on every secret he knows!

And that's EXACTLY what happened!

To build up your practice so that you can help more patients and see a steady (and bigger) income, click here to get started.

Topics covered include financial strategies, insurance concerns, negotiating leases, advertising campaigns, equipment concerns, tax preparation procedures, patient management procedures, paperwork concerns, and borrowing money.

Annual Gold Pass Member? Find the videos in your "My Active Courses" to begin your complimentary viewing.

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.


Man I've been anticipating

Man I've been anticipating this day for a while. Finally, we defeated the geometry dash felidar guardian. Just about every hit is on Jumpstart.